
Under­stand­ing Medicare 

We know that choos­ing the right Medicare plan can feel over­whelm­ing. Under­stand­ing your cov­er­age options and how they affect your health is impor­tant, and we encour­age you to explore all of your Medicare cov­er­age options, includ­ing Medicare Advantage.

To under­stand which plans offer you the ben­e­fits and pre­scrip­tion cov­er­age you need, we rec­om­mend you speak with an inde­pen­dent, licensed agent. That agent can review your cur­rent plan with you as well as dis­cuss oth­er options that may be ben­e­fi­cial. If you do not have a licensed agent, The South Bend Clin­ic part­ners with the Integri­ty Medicare Helpline and Health­Mar­kets Insur­ance Agency to assist you!

Integri­ty Medicare Helpline

Call: 877−728−0773
Mon­day — Fri­day: 8:00am — 6:00pm CT
Sat­ur­day: 9:00am — 3:00pm CT

Vir­tu­al Medicare 101 Seminars

If you’d like an overview of Medicare plans, ben­e­fits, and options, sign up for one of the Vir­tu­al Medicare 101 Sem­i­nars by call­ing 1−877−728−0845.

Live Trans­fer to a Local Agent

Health­Mar­kets Insur­ance Agency
Call: 844−913−1522 and be trans­ferred to a Local Agent

Meet with a Local Agent in Person

You can also meet with a local agent in per­son at the Health­Mar­kets kiosk in the main lob­by of the South Bend Clin­ic’s Main Cam­pus (211 N. Eddy St.) dur­ing these times:

  • Mon­day — Fri­day — 9am – 12pm EST
  • Wednes­day — 2pm – 5pm EST

Medicare Advan­tage

All-in-one plans, like Medicare Advan­tage, may help sim­pli­fy the com­plex­i­ty around Medicare and pro­vide more com­pre­hen­sive and cost-effec­tive ben­e­fits. The South Bend Clin­ic par­tic­i­pates in the fol­low­ing Medicare Advan­tage plans:

  • Aet­na
  • Anthem
  • Humana
  • Unit­ed Healthcare

Medicare Sup­ple­ments

Pre­scrip­tion Drug Plans

Most Medicare Advan­tage Plans offer cov­er­age for things that aren’t cov­ered by Orig­i­nal Medicare, like vision, hear­ing, den­tal and well­ness pro­grams (like gym mem­ber­ships). Plans can also include a broad­er range extra ben­e­fits” than they have in the past, includ­ing ser­vices like trans­porta­tion to doc­tor vis­its, over-the-counter drugs, adult day-care ser­vices and oth­er health and care tools and resources need­ed to sup­port your well-being beyond our office walls.

*The South Bend Clin­ic physi­cians and employ­ees can­not answer ques­tions about spe­cif­ic ben­e­fits or make plan recommendations. 

Resources — Video

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